Saturday, March 25, 2017

Cerita Motivasi Aku

Assalamualaikum and hye!

This is the only decent picture I have with Afiq. So on the left is Afiq!
*excuse my chubby cheeks"

Okay, so memandangkan aku tengah free sekarang ni. Sebab memang aku masa SPM lagi aku nak buat post ni sebab terinspirasi sangat!

So, post aku kali ni, aku nak cerita pasal satu member aku ni. Nama dia Khairul Afiqah. Satu sekolah panggil dia Afiq je, simple an. Cerita dia ni memang boleh membangkitkan semangat aku berkali-kali ganda! So, aku nak share lah kan cerita ni memandangkan mana tahu kan korang boleh ter-semangat sekali kan.

Okay, back to the topic! 
Aku nak cerita sikit pasal dia ni. Dia ni antara orang yang paling kuat, ya fizikal dan mental! Kalau aku ada apa-apa masalah, aku akan try cari dia ni sebab dia serious aku cakap penyedap hati yang sangat bagus. Dia ni antara pelajar cemerlang sekolah. Dia punya result masa form 5 tak pernah bawah 6A la. 6A, 7A dan ke atas!

Masa tu 1-2 hari (aku tak pasti sangat) sebelum HARI REAL SPM. 
Tiba-tiba dia cakap satu hari tu yang tangan dia tak berapa sedap. Dekat tangan dia tu, tendon putus or ada inflammation entah. Tapi memang tangan kanan dia tu memang tak boleh gerak. Tup tup tiba-tiba lepas dia pergi klinik, doktor cakap dia ada 'tendenitis' Okay, boleh click kalau korang nak tau apa itu tendenitis.

Semua boleh bayangkan kot macam mana perasaan dia masa tu, SPM tinggal 2,3 hari. Tangan kanan (tangan tulis) tak boleh guna. Murid yang sihat ni pun rasa gementar nak jawab, apa lagi dia! Tambahan lagi, memang dia tak boleh gerakkan ibu jari kanan dia sebab it will become worst. 

The day before SPM tu dia balik. Balik asrama la i mean. Aku tak tahu la masa aku pandang dia, aku terus peluk dia, menangis la. Ye la, aku dengan dia dari form 4 and form 5 sama dorm, sama kelas! Walaupun takdelah rapat mana, gaduh gak an hahaha sebab dia ni sakai sikit hahahahahahah. 

"habistu macam mana kau nak jawab nanti, fiq?"

"ada pencatat la, atau type, aku tak pasti lagi" *suara bergetar nak nangis*
"Bye ah korang, aku tak jawab kat dewan tau, aku takpe lah tak naik pentas pun tahun depan, nak buat macam mana kan."

Benda tu aku SANGAT INGAT sampai sekarang. Macam mana ek perasaan dia, cam tak sedap la pasti. So, masa SPM dia duduklah dekat kelas jawab SPM. Dengan pencatat dan computer untuk dia type. Dia Alhamdulillah dapat extra time. So everytime kitorang keluar dewan, bila nampak dia kat kelas, cam secretly buat isyarat "you can do it, afiq!"

Dia cakap masa type tu tangan memang slow gila. Plus, korang tahu kan kalau type apa risikonya, TYPO. 

Okay, day by day. Dia pun cam boleh la, mungkin tak mungkin ya, dah boleh adapt dengan cara dia.
And benda yang paling sedih sebab dia punya kelakuan seolah-olah macam dah giveup. Masa tu tengah addmaths punya vibe. Masa tu semua turun dewan makan untuk prep malam, Aku kena stay kat dorm sebab kena picit si afiq ni hahaha. (alasan tak nak turun). Lepastu tengah aku belajar tu...aku tengok dia lek lek je dengan minyak urut dia, main laptop....

"wey belajar do, fiq"

"kau belajar la, aku ni cam takde peluang je nak straight, belajar ar belajar"
"kau tahu tak kadang-kadang aku pikir gak, journey belajar ni macam journey naik flight"

"ada yang dapat tiket first class, tapi destinasi salah. Ada yang dapat tiket economy class je, tapi sampai kat destinasi yang betul. Ada yang beli tiket lambat, tapi lambat laun sampai jugak destinasi dia. Ada yang tak naik flight pun, tapi naik benda lain, still pergi destinasi dia jugak. Ada yang dapat tiket first class, destinasi dah betul, tapi flight crash pulak masa otw tu."

Sebenarnya banyak lagi la perumpamaan yang dia bagi kat aku. Tak ingat sangat dah. Masa tu, memang aku sentap gila ar. Tapi kan, lepas tu, aku tengok dia memang bersungguh-sungguh sebab mungkin dia nak buktikan kat parents dia yang dia boleh. TAPI yang aku rasa 100% pasti dia nak buktikan dekat pengetua yang dia BOLEH buat. Sebab aku tak tahu lah berapa kali dia kena sound dengan Pengetua sebab tangan dia tu. Ada rumors cakap yang tangan tu injured sebab rugby. So, pengetua cam marah ar. Tapi lek ar, dia marah sebab sayang kan, betul ak fiq. nyehnyeh.

Hari-hari masa Addmaths dan Maths aku rasa merupakan hari yang agak mencabar lah untuk dia. Macam mana kau rasa nak terang satu-satu simbol kat pencatat (pencatat ialah guru juga), dia ada cerita sikit kat aku.

"aku cakap kat cikgu tu cam ala cikgu yang simbol bahagi tapi yang cenggini tu ha yang cenggini"

Last day SPM, kitorang sama-sama ah peluk antara dormmates. Menangis dan sebagainya.

Okay, bla bla bla result day pun tiba!!
Dia masa datang tu tak bawak parents dia. Aku tak tahu lah sebab apa, tak nak lah assume macam tu je kan.

Memandangkan sebab nama aku awal disebut (tuah ke tak aku tak tahu), so aku boleh perhati lah nama siapa yang dipanggil untuk naik pentas. So, lepas aku ambik sijil dan bunga, aku pun bersandar tepi tiang kat belakang. Pishang. Ditemani Zubaidah atau Bedah of course! Hahahaha, masa tu nama dia tak disebut lagi, so dia pun gelabah masa tu.

Tunggu punya tunggu, tiba-tiba:

Aku terkejut dan tak tahu nak describe macam mana perasaan batch aku masa tu. Time tu, dia dapat tepukan PALING PALING kuat ar. Boleh pekak ar telinga, berdaghah! Aku dengan bedah yang memang dah berhati lembut ni cam
"wey afiq dooo, afiq weyyyy!!" *ulang 20 kali*
Teruja tak tahu macam mana. Aku dengan bedah pun nangis, yes nangis. TERHARU MACAM ANAK KAMI PULAK YANG KAT PENTAS TU UHUKS.
Memandangkan aku duduk kat tiang dekat dekat tangga turun tu, aku apa lagi terus peluk dia!
"kau boleh kan aku dah cakap, kau boleh" -benda ni ulang 20 kali gak-
Dia menitiskan air mata yang banyak, ya sangat banyak hinggga meninggalkan kesan bunga pada bahu baju saya. Tapi aku tak kisah, basah satu baju pun takpe, sebab tu air mata kegembiraan!

Aku tengok slip SPM dia. 4A+! Gempak an, aku dah cakap dah dia ni gempak.

So, kepada Khairul Afiqah, aku harap kau berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Aku jugak harap sangat kekentalan jiwa kau tu kau boleh bagi aku sikit sebab aku ni jap jap nangeh jap jap nangeh! For your rugby, aku wish kau sentiasa berjaya dan untuk pelajaran as well. Kalau kau baca ni, aku nak kau tahu yang aku sayang kau sangat-sangat!


Okay, so kepada semua yang membaca yang macam nak dekat muntah tengok keacahan friendship ni, sorry. HAHAHAHAHAH, Aku just nak share kepada yang tengah down gila ataupun calon spm 2017 yang cam nak giveup tu. PLEASE, WORK HARD. Takde apa yang halang kita untuk berjaya melainkan diri kita sendiri. Ubah negative mindset tu from being a pessimistic to an optimistic person. 

Aku harap benda ni dapat beri manfaat kepada korang. Benda-benda negatif dalam ni kau boleh ubah jadi positif. Okay? Bagus bagus!


Monday, March 20, 2017



So hye back everyone! As you all know, like obviously trending number one in Malaysia. The result was out on 16/3/2017. Seriously, on that day i can't describe what my feeling was. The day before I just wanted to distract my attention on the result by watching all cartoon, animated movies! I literally watched like 4-5 movies just to calm and relax my mind.

Okay, when the day came, I leave it all to Allah. I knew I've done my best in spm even though all the formats were changing the day 99's batch sit for spm. Like seriously, there were lots of drama going on during spm. For example, no kbat for sejarah, the messed up addmaths questions, and also not to mention about Sneha.

Okay, enough with that. I went to seseri by car i mean my bro as the driver since i didn't get car license yet and i'll not drive even i have one. HAHAHAH, Not funny. On the way, it was not really tense because the song played on the radio were all good! The Shape Of You, Rockabye, Segalanya, etc. Then, I arrived. 

The result was announced like SO LATE. They said like 10.30 dah boleh announce. Of course all the analysis and the slides must be prepared first right, maybe  thats the reason kot. But nearly 12.00 like 11.30 i think, then the result was announced. AKU PUNYA KETAQ TAK TAHULA NAK CAKAP APA! Because i was in the first class and i was the third person on the lists so if the teacher skipped my name and announced the fourth name, IM DEAD. At first, amirah hanisah then farah aqilah. My heart was beating as fast as lightning as it would explode and until the level that I just hug Fathiah and closed my eyes. Hoping for the best.

And Alhamdulillah i made it. I was so glad that all my deksmates got straight A's that makes me so damn happy! In class, the arrangement of the tables was like macam a few groups because kementerian wanted the 21st class century right. So, in the class we have a total of 5 groups of tables. And my group was the noisiest and naughtiest group ever. We tend to laugh a lot!

Then, when the midyear examination result was out, every group had 1-2 representatives who got straight A's for the exam but my group didn't have any. So, at that time we realized our mistakes so we just like "okay, from now on we have to work hard" #acahsikit

Deskmates tercinta!

Okay, so boleh la mohon scholarships available. Actually i am waiting for MARA scholarships as i am so disappointed right now because jpa-mara doesn't offer any medic program this year. :((((

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


life is hard.
Maybe some of you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth but some were not. So, life is tough. You cannot blame others for what had happened in your entire life and trust me keep pointing to other's problems is not a good thing. You have to stand by yourselves. Keep fighting and do not layan any negative comments or negative opinions people give to you. Just care about yourself cuz at the end of the day you will be the one who rides your own boat, not even your parents not even your friends.

Trusting people is good, but stop being naive. You know, you have to be independent and know what you're aiming in your life. Do not have one? You better create one. Its like your target la, like you have your arrows but you don't have any targets and how can you shoot? and shoot accurately to your target? It will just be a pointless shoot. Do create one. If you are not sure about your ambition, your dream, your aim. Just create one. TRUST ME, its better to have one than nothing. Know your capability. Please don't choose a dream that is too high for you to achieve at the current time. For example, you are only 7 years old and your aim is to bring you parents travelling around the world. NONSENSE. Try to think something that is sekufu with your age. Aiming to be the best student in school, target maths 100%.

"let them dream" "maybe one day it will come true" 

I dont say its wrong to dream high. But if you set your goals too high, im afraid you will see the target/goal as a very difficult thing and impossible thing and at last you give up. Right?
Everyone has their own story. You know, i was sitting on the bench in front of a cafe. One by one person came out from the cafe and i just kind of thought that "how is your life going?" 
So, if you think you want to give up. Please, turn back to Allah. Whatever it is, how busy your life is, make sure to read Al-Quran. NEVER MISS SOLAT. Now, you can read them in your phone, your laptop. One page for a day is enough. One ayat for a day is enough too. Never forget Allah. Remember how passionate is your mother's love? She will never let anything bad happened to you. She loves you more than anyone else. She will not be able to sleep if you are in trouble. SHE LOVES YOU PASSIONATELY.

Because of what? She's giving birth to you. She's carrying you for 9 months in her belly. She feels you in every inch of blood in her veins. 

That is mother. But how about ALLAH? Allah creates you. Allah arranges your life. Allah see you 24/7 without fail. Allah knows everything about you. More than your mother. More than anything else. Compare the love. Allah is 70 times loves you more than your mother! So what are you waiting for, Allah is waiting for you. He loves you! Keep praying to Him. If you have problems, go talk to Him. Express everything to your Creator. Let it out. Let it out.
I hope this post benefits you. I really hope. Because i'm writing this to myself.